SaSa Claim $ 1 million from tycoon Sok Bun
Phnom Penh: The story of Ohnha Sok Bun violent CTN former MC Miss Socheata called now, according to the latest information that she has a claim a $ 1 million US dollars. A man who claimed to be her relatives confirmed that until July 10 complaint fell into the hands of the courts and prosecutors Airplane Bunthorn summonsed tycoon Sok Bun to clarify and resolve legal. Meanwhile, According to the news that now September and is being treated at a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand badly because of her injuries from the beating is eye a blow to the body and the injured foot. The thing that led to the beating that she confirmed to local media that the incident happened on the night of July 2, after She blocked tycoon Sok Bun, a real estate tycoon from her friends as the Japanese out. Sasha said her Japanese friends tycoon Sok Bun fill up drunk lying on the couch and Duke was trying to bring her friends out And then she went to mediation and violence by the Duke, along with bodyguards was beaten on her savagery. However, according to the interpretation of the attorney tycoon Sok Bun to the local media that the case is starting from the derogatory remarks and threw her phone on criminal certification Sok Bun was born as the violence itself . Lawyers said at the scene that night, tycoon Sok Bun was to eat at a shop near Diamond Island not be available in September, when the hour the scene is more than 1 skip midnight amid tycoon Sok Bun Japanese women, the Women kamnanchet out of the store, suddenly appeared in September, arrived at the scene with the symptoms of alcohol, and try not to tycoon Sok Bun Japanese girls go by also using mroh komreuy blasphemous and candles on the card tycoon and then pull their phones all over Duke.