There is nothing worse than the incessant barking of a dog. Even worse, if our dog is generated noise. Life as we do in the vicinity of the other, which is a problem for us and for our neighbors and can lead to significant decrease trips and accusations that our dog is out of control. However barking dog training is not difficult with the right equipment.
We do not want our dog to stop barking completely, it would be like a person never expect talks. Nevertheless, most dog owners agree that a dog barks a good protection and an excellent alarm system.
What we have to do as a dog owner, it, the dog barking control, barking by train, when it is appropriate, and stop at our command. Dogs bark for many reasons, most of them are legitimate. A dog barks to convey a message, show enthusiasm or attention. He barks early warning bark, playful barks, need barks and barks control. continuous barking is a behavior problem.
It is possible with the time and patience to train a dog to bark on command and to be quiet as a byproduct in command. I give detailed instructions on how to do this in a later article, but most of us do not have time to do it, so there are some things that bark an immediate solution can provide dog problem available.
1. Ultrasonic devices These radiate an ultrasound when the dog barks, that people can not hear, but directs the dog. There are several versions of the same; Necklaces, are autonomous and portable devices. My experience ultrasonic collars are not very effective, but other work. Simply the separate device in your home or garden. An advantage of this device is that it is to control the dog's barking his neighbor. With ultrasonic handheld devices simply press the button if you wish to suggest a correction. This can be useful if you upset when barking dogs walking, running or cycling.
2. Sprayer They are generally in the form of citronella bark collars. The citronella spray when the dog barks and most dogs do not like it, every time, to give negative reinforcement. I found them to be very effective.
3. Electronic Devices In professional circles, the electronic collars dog is barking considered much faster to offer reliable and receive desired when compared to the previous results of the two methods. Some still believe that there is something cruel or inhuman electronic collar. While this may be true in recent years, come a long way since the early days. They work with the dog give a mild shock. The bark triggers the first warning is the sweetest. If the dog barks again within 30 seconds, amplified the shock easily. repeated barking is the neck at 6 and end. There are a lot of security measures taken in this example, if your dog barks five times over a period of 50 seconds, started the chain for three minutes and new.
So you have it. No need to place further with barking. Barking dog training with one of the three methods described above do not require experience to use, and is usually immediately.