Can Dogs Have A Heart Attack?

Dogs can fail or collapse in terms of their cardiac function due to an abnormality. This is called as "syncope" and worse heart function after heart disease or arrhythmias associated. This is probably what many people mean when they say that their dog a "heart attack" had. However, it is very rare for a dog to have the type of heart attack that people have. An attack on the human heart is technically a "heart attack" and is usually associated with coronary artery disease. When the coronary arteries become blocked or blocked, usually because fat can disrupt blood flow to the heart. This can cause the heart muscle stops working, causing a heart attack.

Dogs are usually not the same problems with the collection of fats in the arteries to make the people because of the different way in which the food is processed. Even a dog in a high-fat diet is not likely to develop coronary artery disease, so that a human heart attack style is very unlikely.

However, dogs can have heart problems. Dogs with hypothyroidism and diabetes may have a blockage of the coronary arteries, which can theoretically lead to a heart attack. A dog with seizures, such as seizures, syncope could mimic a spell. Dogs can also murmurs, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.

If your dog has a collapse or fainting, you should definitely go to the vet for diagnosis. Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination and to do the work in the laboratory, including a complete blood panel and urinalysis. X-rays of the heart of your dog will likely be necessary. An echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart of your dog) and time electrocardiogram need to collect more information about the heart of your dog. Your dog's condition treatment depends on the underlying cause. Treatments can range from the simple insertion of a pacemaker drugs.

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