Canine Distemper

Distemper is a virus Canine Infectious more systemic and incurable, often fatal, affecting the respiratory, gastrointestinal and central nervous system. It is caused by the virus of distemper caused (CDV -. A similar paramyxoviruses, which causes the human measles) virus Place canine disease is spread through the air when infected animals cough, and body fluids such as urine. Dogs / diagnosed or suspected distemper dog must be immediately quarantined. Although dogs of any age can be affected by CDV, most are old puppies 3-6 months. The key to prevention is early vaccination CDV, so talk to your veterinarian if you take your puppy for his / her first record.

Disease virus can affect many body systems and common symptoms are:

or nasal and eye discharge; or cough; or diarrhea / vomiting; or fever that come and go or seizures

Often some affected dogs are misdiagnosed can cough "kennel cough." Others develop pneumonia. Puppies that recover the experience of severe damage to the enamel. In addition, nose pads and toes of a small dog can thicken (also known as the "hardpad disease.")

CDV is very serious, and quickly spread through a kennel, especially if unvaccinated animals are present. Although all infected dogs die, a considerable number from May. Although dogs of all ages are susceptible, the very young and old have the highest mortality rate. Dogs can recover from distemper suffer permanent damage to vision and nervous system.

As Your veterinarian can tell you, there are several methods by which he / she diagnose distemper in dogs / puppies, including use:

1. The polymerase chain reaction test (laboratory test) can be performed on urine, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, blood and post-mortem tissue;

2. skin biopsies (including dog platelets) can be examined for the presence of canine distemper virus of the disease;

3. Depending on the severity and the time of infection, the blood is examined under a microscope can show characteristic changes "inclusion bodies" referred to distemper;

With diagnostic tests (ie antibody tests), it is difficult to distinguish between the infection and usually seen with amendments of vaccines against canine canine disease. Although there is currently no specific treatment for distemper is, infusions prevent dehydration and anticonvulsants may be used if the neurological symptoms develop.

The good news is that excellent vaccine, with minimal side effects, have been developed and used for years to reduce the incidence of major advances in QOL. This boosted vaccines for the life of the dog should.

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