health records

health records electronic medical records, which are also known as electronic medical records or electronic patient records collections of medical history of the patient over a certain period in an institution. These stories were recorded digitally and include all information relevant to the health of a patient: demographics, medical history, vital signs, medications, vaccines, progress reports, health problems, data Lab and Radiology. EHR, as electronic medical records more commonly known, can be shared by several health centers via a network and EHR software. This means that the records of a patient to go to a hospital in New York immediately in a clinic in Los Angeles the trouble without anyone to be sent, the sending of printed paper. The use of electronic health records is designed to facilitate work in the healthcare industry by providing information more accessible and streamlined. Electronic medical records also document other care activities, such as quality of management, decision support based on evidence and reporting the results. The electronic health record aims to strengthen links between health workers, including doctors, nurses and physicians and their patients. This is health care providers will be considered on the fast and easy accessibility of data to help better informed and to make reliable decisions for their patients, allowing them to provide better service. An EHR is a better medical situations through various ways. The first is that the electronic health records to reduce the risk of medical errors, as they contain all the necessary information, which in turn creates more accurate and clear reports. For example, contains EHR software functions, such as entering the electronic prescription orders (SEOM), which is a virtual list of doctors who follow the prescription of drugs for their patients. This reduces the risk of a patient's health and ultimately saves a lot of money. In addition, electronic medical records minimizes the need for duplicate tests, effectively cutting the delays, the treatment and a patient can affect medications. There were several questions on the idea of ​​electronic medical records related. The disadvantages are the cost of extravagant departure and concern about the decline in the health of workers learning productivity that hesitate most doctors and nurses, a new system to spend time. Most importantly in terms of electronic health records expenditures are concerns about privacy and health records security, especially in sensitive areas such as the case of psychotherapy and legal responsibility for the implementation of systems EHR software that may not function properly. However, the use of electronic health records is still considered the tendency to major improvements in the health system nationwide. Regarded as overhead of a large percentage to reduce the long term, been difficult to obtain access to information that will help in medical research and evidence-based, all health care facilities may a combine system in the future for a better coordination and management of Records. Looking at the bigger picture of electronic medical records are in response to the long-term conservation of medical records and finally saw any benefit in the health sector. Adam Pounders provides technical support and web design for a local software company. With a wide range of knowledge, content writing, SQL Server contains, and multiple operating systems Adam capable people and companies with several areas to help within their sites. We currently help their solutions with the launch of their website. ITS solutions provides information on the health information systems and for consultation with a health professional available, whether national or international.