What is a Linear Motor?

A linear motor simply speak an electric motor, required for the generation of energy to one of the request uses a linear motor mechanism. exclusively linear science Unlike the electric motor (in automobiles, electrical appliances and equipment commonly used found), a linear motor generates its energy production; that is, to generate no torque or a rotational force by the ratio of the electric current magnetic field accelerates. Linear motors are used for a variety of purposes, including high-speed trains, military weapons, spacecraft exploration, robot technology, medical advances and automated engineering systems, whose mission is to produce large quantities of a particular product.

There are two main types of linear motors: low acceleration and high acceleration. low acceleration engines for applications where strength favored by high energy or electromechanical energy bursts used. designed These types of linear motors for magnetic, automated systems, applications, etc. High acceleration engines are generating the most common of the two, and products, faster for shorter periods; as used in weapons, military equipment, space propulsion systems and the like. Linear motors with a low acceleration are designed to continuously accelerate an object in a steady pace, while the high acceleration linear motors to accelerate at a very high speed of an object, then let the object. Typically, the low linear acceleration engine is developed with a winding system on a motor and the magnets from the other side to the electromagnetic repulsive force to provide for a successful implementation; This is called linear synchronous design. The high acceleration linear motor is reached by a three-phase winding on one side and the conductive plate on the other side of the engine, the goal of the construction plans is generally formed; linear induction design is called.

Linear motors offer a number of advantages in this technological world in constant evolution. If the application of high-power required by your business or organization a lateral motor system with low or high acceleration linear motors requires a faster acceleration and higher speeds and higher success rates in automated accuracy, repeatability and long-term reliability.