Business Solution - VOIP Gateway

The Internet is a treasure trove of business solutions; This helps to work more efficiently and provides millions of ways to make. Telecommunications, one of the most important tools for businesses, was affordable or even cheap, with the introduction of the Internet. One of the Internet tools that can help reduce telecommunications costs, is a VoIP gateway. VoIP gateway that provides the voice-over-Internet-protocol gateway sends voice traffic over a data network by converting it to an Internet protocol (IP). When packaging, compresses and decompresses voice and fax; call routes; and signaling commands.

Business and the Internet

The advent of the Internet has changed the way we do business. especially for businesses - though not without error, the Internet has made it much easier, faster and more efficient for things to everyone. The Internet has information widely about the fast transactions, allows a wider range of the market, revolutionizing the advertising and the fact that the telecommunications around the world much easier. Previously used the fax machine to be king when it came to international transactions. Since the same distance and overseas rate is maintained, a proposed high monthly Telecommunications Act used to be the norm. Today, however, many international transactions are carried out online, including telecommunications, fax, and even live conference. All this translates into reduced costs and various communication options. One of the most useful telecommunications equipment, make use of the Internet, is a VoIP gateway.

How VoIP Gateway

Voice calls and incoming faxes via a public network (PSTN). The VoIP gateway converts these input signals and transmits them to an IP network. In this way, users can make calls over the Internet, via a VoIP service provider. In short, in order to reduce calls to the Internet instead of a phone line and costs.


A Complete Guide to VoIP gateways in Picky Guide, one of the fastest growing online magazines with free consumer advice and product information.