You Gotta Have Heart

Did you know that more than one million people die each year from heart disease?

The 20th century saw a massive increase in the number of people suffering and dying from cardiovascular disease. Heart disease kills more people than any other combined thing. Currently, it is estimated that about 60 million Americans, including an increasing number of women, some type of heart disease that causes one million deaths this year.

is most of these suffering and death, can easily amazing thing to be avoided. Even the medical establishment agrees; Heart disease is primarily a disease of lifestyle. A missing lifestyle of a healthy diet for the heart, exercise, relaxation and respect leads to degenerative diseases.

Almost everyone knows the vital functions of the heart on an ongoing basis. The heart pumps blood and oxygen-rich nutrients through our bodies to feed our 60 trillion cells. He will beat about 100,000 times a day and button 2 ounces of blood through 60,000 miles of arteries, arterioles, veins, venules and capillaries in about a minute. Yes, the heart is a truly remarkable organ deserves our recognition and attention. But almost everyone seems to recognize that they are responsible for the health of the heart!

causes; Poor heart health

Many people associate heart problems with the onset of middle age and some even believe that they, the retirement age is inevitable. We do not see how we age heart problems or poor health. The fact is that the vast majority of health problems, including heart disease because of the habits of bad habits. In some cases, the heart at birth or damage may be defective due to an infectious disease. Heart disease is mainly due to the progressive deterioration and blockage of the coronary arteries. This state has a lot of partners, such as lack of oxygen, the accumulation of homocysteine, diabetes, free radical damage, high blood pressure, smoking, toxic chemicals in the environment, drugs, eating rancid and heated oils, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, rest, relaxation and a poor diet for heart health.

Body arteries repaired along with lesions panonceau the fiber cover damaged blood cells, fat and cholesterol. As it accumulates panonceau, it may calcify, resulting in atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the arteries and of atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries. These conditions are important risk factors for heart disease.

Heart attack treatments

Medical treatments in hospitals are not only extremely expensive, but also very dangerous. A study in the Journal of the AMA published has shown that open surgery for coronary artery disease are not a viable solution for most patients. Most patients who denies surgery lived so long that I had.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Heart disease is not inevitable a part of life. They are not saying that you thanking bad cholesterol molecules looking, so arteries can clog. Your heart health depends on how you live your life. The main factors that contribute to heart health, are: How do you and emotional stress to manage, how to nourish your body and care as the body with exercise and rest. To avoid becoming a sad heart attack statistics, take seriously the advice healthy fallen by heart.