First Aid In Heart Attack

Lack of exercise, instant food consumption, lack of sleep and stress is a factor which often occupied experienced by people. And anyone who knows an unhealthy lifestyle has a negative impact on health, one of which is heart disease. Heart attack is always first class of the deadly disease in the world. WHY Heart disease, caused by the intake of food in the body derived from the blood vessels due to cholesterol or many other proteins constriction. This structure causes the coronary arteries to become stiff. Rigidity is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs when a buildup of fatty plaque deposits or occur in the artery walls, causing the arteries to reduce and prevent blood flow to the heart. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is essentially leads to heart disease. The blockage of one or more of forensic artery can cause a sudden heart attack. The reason that the heart does not, the amount of available oxygen caused exceed a heart attack. Why? When the heart muscle of oxygen for a long time is taken, the peripheral device may be damaged. Unlike other organs, the heart muscle does not regenerate. The longer a heart attack strikes, most network to be broken, so that the cause of death. symptoms Many people do not know that he had a heart attack, as it was sudden. Chest pain is underestimated by some people often. Chest pain is a symptom of heart disease. Some of the supply of physical symptoms as a symptom of heart disease is chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath, there is a history of frequent fainting, difficulty sleeping on their backs, some organs of the body was blue and the belly and swollen legs. ACTION No panic! That's the most important thing to remind someone when it comes to heart attacks. Try and keep coughing with a vengeance. Every time before the cough, take a deep breath and cough with a high performance deep and long as phlegm to leave in the chest. Each interval of two seconds, then take a deep breath and coughed again. Continue until help or a normal pulse arrives.

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