Heart Problems

In the last newsletter we worked through the anatomy of the heart - especially the basis for this problem to create. With what we have learned in the last issue, we can now explore: Things that can go wrong with the heart. medical treatments. Limitations that may be inherent in some of these treatments. What can you do to change the equation. Also, if you have not read the previous report, Anatomy of the heart, you can do it now. It is not absolutely necessary, but it will make for a rewarding experience that you have read this newsletter. epicardium problems As will be recalled, the epicardium is the membrane that surrounds the heart muscle - internal and external. Inside, he called endocardial and called abroad the pericardium. Let our discussion on heart problems begin epicardium confronted - not because it is the most important part of the heart, but because it is to start a simple place and allows us to dip your toes in the subject before you dive into the deeper waters , The problems that can occur with the heart friction lining virtually divided into two categories physical damage. The by the infection causes inflammation. Physical damage is easy to understand, and easy to repair generally. You are driving your car, you get in an accident. Flick the steering wheel or airbag. His body suddenly stops, but his heart, driven by the inertia (an object in motion tends to stay in motion) is progressing and tears the pericardium, which holds in place, before recovering and come to rest. This causes bleeding in the pericardium, which is used as a buffer between the heart and chest wall and the lung. Excess liquid (blood) into the bag pressure pumps expands the bag, hugging and necking in the heart for it. If the pressure is not broken down, it can accumulate to the point where preventing the heart while beating contracts. Herbs and nutraceuticals are not widely used. Fortunately, medical intervention tends to be simple and effective in these situations. An insert in the bag to drain excess blood and relieve pressure catheter usually do the trick - and the bleeding stops. The inflammation (as "itis" in medical terminology) is a little more complex. The main cause of the inflammation of the heart lining is an infection, both viral and bacterial. To be depending on the part of the coating concerned, seen known as pericarditis, endocarditis, or epicarditis. The inflammation can cause chest pain, difficulty pumping or fever. These symptoms may be mild, acute, chronic or even. Standard treatment involves the use of antibiotics and antivirals. These are "usually" effective when the underlying infection is resistant available to your doctor with the arsenal of drugs is a growing problem. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives include garlic, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, etc., which can operate even in the case of drug-resistant infections. Problems with the heart valves Also, as we discussed last issue, heart valves are built like parachutes with tendons or ligatures their heart muscle, to prevent it from opening. Its function is the blood to flow between the atria and ventricles to allow, and a seal closed when the ventricle blood pump not to drive in the courts, but is ejected into the main pulmonary artery from the right ventricle, or the aortic of the left ventricle. Problems with valves are easy to understand and generally fall into two categories.