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There are a variety of service providers offer their web live seminars and online video presentations to organize. You should take a careful look at the many options and choose a service provider that meets your needs. Citrix is ​​a great service provider, which offers three different types of seminars, GoToWebinar, GoToMeeting and GoToTraining. The nature of the course you choose will depend on the nature and needs of your presentation. Let's look at the characteristics of each one look at it, to give you the information you need to decide what works best for your needs. GoToMeeting is for small groups of 15 people or less. The main feature of this seminar is that none of the participants is muted, so that everyone participate fully. This is a great advantage when events such as business partners, boards and teachers of the school. GoToMeeting, as the name suggests, provides a virtual conference room, in which a small group can fully interact. Select this option if you need a meeting of 15 people or less for each person who is fully involved. GoToTraining allows a maximum of 200 people to join a training session. Some features of this option are the ability to create tests and quizzes at the seminar and files during the seminar. If you have a blog, a website or a membership site you may already have these features, but you may find that to have during the seminar as well as useful. This is the option for you if you train the groups of up to 200 people and you want to try, or with them sharing files. GoToWebinar is the most flexible of the three options available to Citrix. An advantage of this seminar is that it allows a wide range of participants, up to 100 people to 500 people, and finally to 1,000 people. An unlimited number of people can register for the conference, but the maximum number that can participate 1000th This type of webinar allows you to read the questions, poll your audience and participants will hear again, so that they can react. In this way you can get the public valuable information about the content of your seminar. If you are using GoToWebinar, you can also be used as a tool access GoToMeeting for others you prepare your seminar. Best of all, GoToMeeting you can test your program for free for a month. Grasp the features and benefits of the three Citrix products seminar offered. GoToMeeting is a complete conversion involving small groups of 15 people or less. It is preferable to use as a virtual meeting room or staff room and other small groups. GoToTraining provides a training seminar for up to 200 persons with questions and comments from participants. GoToWebinar is the power and flexibility of the three options that offer everything you need to plan and successfully present their seminar to a maximum of 1,000 people. It is also as a free trial for a period of one month.